How to judge a gown
finding the right wedding dress
When you’re gown shopping, things can get muddled in your mind. Was it the first one you loved or did you really like the third? Then you can forget what you didn’t like about one that everyone else remembers.
It’s work to try on wedding dresses. It’s physical! While your guests are sitting and waiting for you to show the next dress, there’s no sitting and resting for you! It can be draining getting in and out of the dress. Then, if you’re shopping at different places, it’s easy to get them confused.
Shopping for your dress is a memory you will share with those you bring in with you. It’ll be something you remember. And it’s not something you’re likely to be repeating any time soon. So take advantage of this time and make it the best it can be for you and your guests.
There are many studies that show that the more choices a person has in front of them, the more difficult the decision. It’s called “choice overload.” And the more decisions you’re forced to make, the more often you’ll settle for a default option, just because your brain is tired of making decisions. Even though you might not be making a decision for “the” dress, you’re still having to choose between Dress #1 and Dress #2. All of those little decisions mount up and can make your brain tired of deciding.
Here are some tips to help you compare dresses and make sure you’re not making a decision just because you’re tired or confused. That happens and can happen to anyone so don’t think that you’re weak. It’s a normal reaction, so don’t beat yourself up for getting tired. This is an important decision and you want to be sure you’re clear about what dress you want and why.
Hints for before you go
Schedule your appointment when you’re not drained or tired. You’ll need energy to try on all the dresses you’d like to see. Again, it’s a workout, so make sure you’re ready for it.
For the same reason, be sure you’ve eaten and you’re not hungry. You can get distracted and not enjoy your time at the shop if you’re stomach is thinking of fries. Eat before you start your shopping.
Even though it’s a celebration, don’t drink too much before you come in. First of all, it can make you more tired and make you want to end the day. Then it can also alter how you view a dress and make you pass up something, or worse yet, jump at a dress that you regret the next day. Save the celebrating for after you have selected your dress.
If you’re going to more than one bridal shop to try on dresses, think about scheduling the appointments on different days. This lets you be fresh for the appointment and give each dress a fair look. When you’re tired, you might be making a decision because you’re just tired of thinking about it. Settling is not a good thing when you’re shopping for your wedding dress.
Before going in to try on a dress, make sure you have on comfortable shoes. If your feet hurt, everything hurts! And, if you’re trying dresses on at different shops over a few days, make sure you wear the same shoes so that one dress doesn’t seem to be more comfortable than another just because of your shoe choice.
Another factor to consider is your makeup. You don’t want to come in with a bunch of fresh makeup on because you’ll have to worry about getting it on all the white dresses. But make sure you wear the same amount to the different shops you visit. White or off-white gowns can make you look pale, and you don’t want to take a color issue out on the dress itself. Consider wearing the same lipstick too so that you’re looking more at the dresses and not how you look in them.
Think about your budget. You’ll want to decide that before you come into a bridal shop to know what you can or should afford. There is nothing wrong with saying you want to stay under a certain amount. You don’t want to regret or have second-thoughts about a dress that you got carried away with emotion and bought something you’ll resent later.
At Uptown Bride, we ask you your budget before you come in. We don’t do this to size you up, but to show you respect. If you’re not comfortable paying $1500, for example, then we’ll show you dresses that are at or under your set budget. Why fall in love with a dress that you don’t want to afford? We consider that very disrespectful.
Sometimes, we might know of a dress that is a little over your budget and we’ll ask your permission before bringing a dress out that’s higher than you stated. You’re in control at Uptown Bride and we want to make sure that you feel comfortable with and in the dress and with the price.
Another thing to consider before you come into the shop is who is coming with you. Consider bringing those who are supportive of what you like and who let the focus be on you. Leave those who are critical, jealous or negative at home. Leave drama at home.
You want people who will be honest with you, but not pushy. Sometimes we see people who push and try to talk a bride into a dress. You’re wearing it and it needs to be what makes you feel special.
Limit those you bring with you too. With more people comes more opinions. Make sure you are up for hearing what a committee thinks you should wear on your wedding day.
We understand that sometimes you have to bring people with you that you might not want there. Take a minute to talk to your stylist and let her know that you have an issue. She can help steer the conversation and help be a buffer.
Remember that making this choice is big and there are so many little things that can make it more stressful They might seem like little things, but they add up. Try to lessen the little things and so that you can make a clear, great decision.