How we clean our dresses & Shop
We keep our shop clean for our team and you
We’re limiting the number of appointments we’re allowing in our shop at any one time to keep you safe. Please call for an appointment - 505-318-0411.
We’re allowing 10 people in our shop at any one time. For bridal appointments, we’re asking you to bring only 2 guests with you.
We’re deep cleaning with wipes and sprays several times a day, including after each appointment. We’re sanitizing all tried-on merchandise after each appointment with eco-friendly sanitizing solution, UV hand wands and a steaming process to make sure that it’s clean when the next client tries it on.
And we’re making sure our team is healthy by checking their temperature at least daily.
We’re asking our customers to do their part, too, by using hand sanitizer from our Sanitizing Station when you come in. We also request that everyone coming into the shop wear a mask at all times, and sneeze or cough into your elbows.
If you’re not feeling well, we ask you to reschedule your appointment. We can set up video chat for you to include friends or family who aren’t feeling well, while we protect those of you in our shop.
By using these practices, even after the virus threat is over, we can keep everyone safe and healthy.