Looking your best on your wedding day
Your wedding day
Not to add pressure to your wedding day, but we know you want to look your best on your wedding day. Not only for your partner, but for the family and friends who will be there supporting you. Also, there will be hundreds of photos taken of you during the day. You’ll want to remember your celebration with your partner, family and friends and capture those moments. But with all those cameras pointed at you, how can you look your best?
We have some tips to help. Now most of these are common-sense solutions you know, but it’s a matter of doing them and planning for them to make it work. Sometimes a wedding day is so crazy that you don’t have time to think it through. So, make a plan now for things you can do to help yourself.
On or around the wedding day:
Before the wedding day, try to get a good night’s sleep. There is often a lot of partying the night before, but could you do that two nights out instead? That way you can try to sleep and help ward off bags under your eyes. It’ll also help with your stamina so that you can have energy for the long day and night ahead.
During the wedding, keep yourself as relaxed as possible. If you’re stressed, it will show in the photos, as well as cut into the enjoyment of the whole day. Just remember, no wedding day is perfect. But here’s the secret – no one but you will notice! The important part of any wedding day is that you and your spouse are married. It’s a celebration of the two of you. The other is just fluff. Keeping that your focus can help you relax and enjoy the celebration.
Assign tasks to friends and family and take the pressure off you. This will take some planning and preparation. Look over lists of things that will need to be done, such as someone to pay the officiant. You can write and check and put it in an envelope and give it to someone to pay the officiant. Or simply arrange to do it before the ceremony. Whatever you can do to lessen things you’ll have to do besides be there with your guest will help.
There are things you can control on your wedding day and some you can’t. Things will happen and come up. That’s normal and that’s life. But sharing the problem-solving or not sweating the small stuff will help you enjoy it.
Drink plenty of water. With the stress of getting everything done, sometimes we forget that simple rule your mother always told you. That will help you not look puffy, even if you have been doing a little more partying than usual before the wedding.
While we’re talking about self-care, remember to eat on your wedding day. There's nothing like starting a wedding wishing you hadn't chewed out your Aunt Karen because you were cranky. It's an emotional time so take care of yourself. Besides it’ll give you more energy for the day and what’s ahead. Consider having something before you put on your dress and get ready for the ceremony. Or what about having someone pack up reception food for you and your partner for you to eat after you’ve left? You’d hate to miss out on food that you selected for your guests.
Next is your hair and makeup.
Hair and makeup are the biggest delays to a wedding starting on time. Make sure you've practiced what you want and know how long it will take in the weeks before the wedding. That practice will help you make sure you get what you want and not be frustrated that you’re running out of time.
In the days before the wedding:
And it’s not all things you saved for just before the wedding.
Getting a facial or waxing? What about coloring your hair or a spray tan? Get them several days before. You would hate those pimples the facial brings out to shine on your wedding day. Doing it several days out will make sure there are no reactions you weren't expecting!
In the weeks before the months
Are you getting new shoes? Those shoes are so cute! But make sure you've broken them in at least two months before your wedding. We all love new shoes, but you’ll need to break them in! If your feet hurt, your photos will show it.
You’ll definitely need them a few months before for alterations. You will need to wear the exact shoes for your dress to be hemmed correctly. The hem should fall right at the shoe line. If you change out your shoes, the dress’ hem won’t hit at the right spot.
Consider taking an extra pair to put on for dancing or after the photos. This can save your feet and let you get back to enjoying the reception.
In the months before your wedding – when you’re buying your wedding dress
When you’re buying your wedding dress, make sure you move around in it. You’ll want to sit during your reception so sit in your dress to make sure you’re comfortable. You want to feel as good as possible on your wedding day!
During your appointment, make sure you spend some time in the one you want. Move and twirl. Is it comfortable? Remember this is not a rush or a race. We want you to feel comfortable.
Another thing is to make sure the fabric is breathable. And often the cheaper dresses are made using cheaper fabrics, which can make you sweat. That might not seem like a big deal now, but after being in your dress for an hour, you don't want to be a clammy mess in photos. Not something you really want on your wedding day.